Amidst a dense haze of smoke, soft, female laughter reverberates off the walls of the small, one roomed log cabin. "And then the guy had the balls to ask for her fucking number." She says, to which another voice, also female and slightly higher in pitch replies, "What a fucking moron. I wish I would've been there. I miss all the good shit." The first woman extends an arm toward the second and flashes a dazzling, albeit red eyed grin and shakes her head, "Nah, THIS is the good shit. I do believe we may have outdone ourselves with this crop, V." Verika grins in agreement, already feeling it's effects. Accepting the offered bong she lifts the green, glass to her lips, sparks her lighter then groans into the mouth of the chamber with disappointment. Placing it upon the floor at her feet she sighs and says simply, "Cashed." before reaching around to the small, black mini fridge and plucking a bottle of water from it's almost empty shelves. "We're gonna have to send Eugene out for supplies." Says Verika, twisting the bottle top and taking a much needed drink, her multitude of thin, honey colored braids shifting about her narrow shoulders. The dark haired woman nods in agreement before falling heavily back into the multitude of pillows gathered upon the sofa around her. " Carbs sounds killer right about now. Where is he anyway? He said he'd be here by 4 and its gotta be way past that now." Reaching one slender arm languidly outward to pluck her cell from the front pocket of her backpack she peeks at the display and nods. "4...0...5. He's late."

Verika, who sits in a cross legged position lightly finger taps upon her knees the rhythm playing within her mind and says plainly, "He's -always- late." She sings softly to herself, "Pocahontas...Po....ca....hon...tas. What does that mean again? Oh yeah, harlot." Poe laughs, tossing a peanut shell plucked from the sofa cushions toward her friend and says, "Bitch. It means 'playful one'." Verika ducks, unsuccessfully, the shell getting lodged in her plaited tresses. " Thats one way to put it." She teases, before both women fall into another fit of giggles.
A knock at the door causes them to go immediately silent, but the pattern of the knocks quickly eases any fear. Poe, having lost the 'closer' game by being nearer the door, slowly rises and reaches it with two long strides, small as the cabin was. She flips the deadbolt, but before loosing the lock upon the door latch she deepens her voice in a mock, masculine tone and asks, "Whats the password?" A muffled male voice from the other side of the wooden door responds with, "Deep dish." Poe gives an overexagerated fist pump then opens the door. Reaching out and plucking both pizza boxes from the man's arms, she says, "You may enter." looking to the pizza rather than the pale man in the blue beanie. The man, their friend and current business partner, Eugene follows her inside the already crowded and still rather hazey cabin, automatically locking the door behind himself. He swipes up the bong from its spot on the floor and plops down on the ugly brown sofa between the girls.
Retrieving a baggie from beneath the cushion, he quickly taps out then packs a fresh bowl. "I saw another one on the way up here." He says, "It was eyeballing me from the treeline near the old Reynolds place." Poe pauses, a fat slice of pizza piled high with spinach, tomato and some sort of mystery pale green vegetable halfway to her mouth. "They're all over up here. I know we chose this area because not many people live on this end of the Crag, but I'd take getting busted over getting chomped on by a wolf." Verika peeks into the pizza box that Poe had taken from and wrinkles her nose in disgust before pulling a fat slice of double pepperoni from the other. "The National Geographic channel says to look em right in the eye and make yourself look bigger, then back the fuck away." she says, then sinks her teeth into the greasy deep dish. Eugene lifts the bowl and clears the chamber, easing back into the sofa's lumpy back cushion and shakes his head, "I don't know if I could look one of those dudes in the eye." He says, smoke slowly escaping his lips with his words. "The ones I've seen are massive. I say we just go about our business and stay the Hell out of their way. We're here to grow and go, thats all." Eugene says before taking another hit and motioning for Verika to pass the 'real' pizza. How Poe could eat that veggie crap was beyond him.
"Poe and I bagged up all we've had drying and we should be ready to re-up in another week or so. I've got 3 people at work waiting on me, so I need to run soon, but I can come back and check on things here tomorrow after my morning shift." Verika leans to one side, dragging a chocolate brown backpack across the floor toward her. With what remains of her pizza crust hanging out the side of her mouth like a cigar, she rummages around inside the bag before pulling out a wrinkled, red tshirt. She quickly shoves the crust in her mouth and yanks the tee about her head over the crop top she had been wearing, the bright white 'Kum & Go' logo for the local convenience store stretching tightly across her small breasts. As usual, Eugene smirks like a teenage boy at this, even though the woman had been working at that shit hole all summer long. It just never got old in his opinion.

"Well," says Verika, grabbing a fresh slice of pepperoni then standing up and shouldering into her pack. "...I'm outta here." The others offer their goodbyes by way of one grunt and a nod and she slips out, Poe rising to lock the door behind her. I need to be heading out too. You'll get that light fixed tonight then?" She asks, one hip resting against the closed, wooden door. Eugene lifts his green eyes and lets them unintentionally roll across the curve of Poe's shapely thighs, her Native American blood lending a rich tone to her flawless skin. Having noted his hungry eyeballs, Poe lofts a thin, black brow and shakes her head. She and Eugene had been friends since high school, and had kissed one drunken night at a party only to realize that anything beyond mere friendship was not an option for them, but the guy's eyes liked to get a bit too buggy in her direction when he was stoned. "Yep." He says, flashing a guilty grin at having been busted, then leans forward to grab another slice of pizza. He then stands to see Poe out and again, lock the door.

Returning to his spot on the sofa, the butt grooves of whomever had previously owned it being an almost perfect match for his own flat backside, Eugene finishes his pizza, takes another hit, and eventually falls into his second nap of the day.
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